Rubia cordifolia, often known as common madder or Indian madder, is a species of flowering plant in the coffee family, Rubiaceae. It has been cultivated for a red pigment derived from roots.
Since the Vedic period, Manjistha denoted as “Atreya Aranyaka” has been mentioned by the ancient Indian sage and physician, Charaka, as a “rejuvenative herb” that confers potent detoxifying effects. Several ayurvedic scriptures and journals mention this bright red root for various indications which include Pandu (treats skin disorders), Raktadoshahara (blood purifying), Yakrit Vikara (prevents liver infections), Sangrahini (treats diarrhoea), Jvara (useful in fever), Kamala (prevents jaundice), Kasahara (Relieves cough), Amahara (treats indigestion), Dahahara (relieves burning sensation), Shwasha (relieves breathing difficulties), Deepana (enhances stomach fire), Pachana (helps in digestion), Rochana (stimulates appetite), Kupachan (prevents bloating, indigestion), Anulomana (improves breathing), Vayasthapana (prevents ageing), Shonitasthapana (prevents bleeding), Hridaya (treats heart problems), Vran Ropana (heals wounds), Mehahara (treats urinary tract disorders), Prameha (manages diabetes), Vamana (prevents nausea and vomiting), Trutahara (relieves excessive thirst), Pandu (treats anaemia), Balya (improves muscle strength), Hikkanigrahana (controls hiccups), Kantya (relieves sore throat), Triptighno (relieves pseudo-satiation), and Vamanopaga (treats emesis), Varnya (improves complexion), and Krimihara (relieves intestinal worms).
This incredible herb shows the presence of bio active constituents like purpurin, munjistin, xanthopurpurin, pseudopurpurin and glycosides like rubiadin, rubiprasin A,B,C, ruiearbonls, aborane triterpenoids, mangistin, 1-hydroxy 2-methoxy anthraquinone, 3-dimethoxy 2 carboxy anthraquinone, alizarin, garancin, mollugin and furomollugin.
Enriched with these phyto-chemical components, Manjistha portrays potent hepatoprotective, anti-splenomegaly, anti-hepatomegaly, cholagogue, anti- pyretic, spleno-protective, detoxifying, febrifuge, digestive, anti-inflammatory, broncho-dilatory, pain-relieving, anti-microbial properties. And eventually these properties extensively help in treating and providing relief from jaundice, liver infections, skin conditions including pimple, eczema, psoriasis and vitiligo, indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, fever, allergy, asthma, blood infections, and rheumatoid arthritis.