APAMARGAM –Achyranthes aspera (common names: chaff-flower prickly chaffflower,devil’shorsewhip,is a species of plant in the family Amaranthaceae.It is considered as an Hridya in Ayurveda .It is very useful in dropsy, piles, boils and for colic in children It is also used as a cure for cough. In traditional areas, the Apamarga roots are tied on the arms. The formulations, which include Apamarga in classical formulations, are Apamarga kshara taila, Sikhari ghrita, gorochnadi gulika etc. Gorochnadi gulika is an excellent medicine for cough, cold, bronchitis. Apamarga kshara is used in minor surgical conditions. Since Achyranthes aspera has a chedi or a scraping effect, it is useful in fat reduction.Apamarg oil is used locally in earache. The root powder is sprinkled over the lesion in skin diseases. Plant yields achyranthine. Seeds are rich in proteins and potash

Uses :

The seeds from this prickly spike are powdered and used for pradhaman nasya, where this fine powder is blown through a small tube into the nose. This reduces the kapha in the head region

  • The kshara or salts of this plant are also used to cure moles, fistula and bleeding piles.
  • The herb is a good appetiser and can be used instead of our usual antacids.
  • It is a blood purifier and is used for oedema and inflammation.
  • The plant also reduces the acidity of urine and is used to tackle renal calculi. The juice of fresh leaves called swarasa can ease ear pain, and can also be used to wash wounds and help it heal
  • A few fresh leaves can be chewed in case of mouth ulcers.
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